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How To Treat Acne Naturally

Taking as an assumption that you have faced problem with acne at certain point of your life or encountering the same now, this article has been prepared to offer you with some solutions. Acne (pimples) is defined as a condition resulting when hair follicles get packed with dead skin cells and sebum or oil.
The bright red scars resulting often diminish one’s confidence. Often people facing issue with pimples think that they will never get back their beautiful glowing skin. Indeed you are surely one to feel so. Well it is possible to get back that natural glow again.
But before proceeding with the solutions for acne (pimples), it is necessary to estimate the causes and symptoms of this skin issue.

Causes of Pimples/Acne

Analysing the causes of acne, the following have come up into concern:

> Results from bacteria: “Cleanliness is next to godliness”, you all are familiar with this popular proverb. Well it is your cleanliness that matters most.
If you adhere to unclean and unhealthy lifestyle, bacteria are the first microbe encountering you. They eventually settle on the skin and give birth to acne or pimples.
>Skin inflammation: Are you allergic to any cream or lotion you have recently applied? The first symptoms indicating so are pain on the skin, swelling and redness. Allergic reaction gives rise to acne.
>Oily skin: People with oily skin possess greater chances of encountering issues with acne. This oil secreted by sebaceous gland is called sebum. This oil blocks the skin pores resulting into acne.
>Dead skin cells: Along with the secretion of oil, dead skin cells if not removed properly too leads into the blockage of the pores on the skin ultimately resulting into pimples/acne.
Acne symptoms are known to vary in terms of severity. However, the most common symptoms of this skin eruption are as follows:
>Redness of the skin
>Clogged pores (White heads and blackheads)
> Papules or raised lesions
>Pustules or raised lesions along with pus


Every problem comes with a solution that you need to find. Though acne might make you appear dull but adhering to the following 4 remedies, you can easily get rid of them.
>Apply ice
Ice helps in getting rid of acne easily by reducing the swelling, inflammation and redness. It removes the oil and dirt that has accumulated in the skin pores and tightens the same. Take a clean piece of cloth and wrap the ice in it. Apply it on the acne prone area on your face.
Yes, the toothpaste you use every morning to clean your teeth can help in getting rid of the acne. Take a pinch of the paste and apply it over the acne. Leave it for the night. Continue the same for 2 days and you will get the result.
Lemon- enriched with vitamin C helps in drying up the pimples at the earliest. Take a cotton swab, dip it in cotton juice and then apply it on your pimples. Leave it for the night and see the result.
Garlic that spices up your food is also capable of making your skin beautiful. It is an antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral agent helping you to get rid of the pimples. Cut a fresh clove of garlic and apply it over your pimples. Leave it for five minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat the same for few days.

Wrapping Up
All these tips are proven to be fruitful enough for com-batting acne (pimple) issues. So having healthy and beautiful skin is no more a problem.


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