Living a happy and healthy life not only helps in extending
your life but also in improving its quality. Feeling fit and having proper
control on your life can help in increasing your mental wellness and health.
Though there are certain aspects of mental and physical
health which are way beyond one’s control, there are also things that you can
take up for enriching your quality of life.
The major purpose of this article is to make you familiar
with certain guidelines and practices of healthy lifestyle.
Tips to Stay Healthy
Here are tips that you can choose keeping your health
standard and lifestyle into concern.
Meditate- Meditation is an age-old therapy that has
offered proven results with respect to health. It not only helps in reducing
stress but also improves the ability of the body to fight any different types
of disease causing germs. Spending 30minutes to one hour meditating is enough
for boosting your health.
Dry skin brushing massage- This massage type works by increasing the WBC
count along with stimulating the lymph flow. It is a massage you can do for
boosting your immune system. Also, it comes with several other benefits like
enhancing the muscle tone, reducing cellulite and so.
Go for brisk walking and jogging- Body movement is very important for staying
fit and healthy. However, with cars and bikes coming into play, people hardly
restore to walking. Even lifts have replaced stairs which on a whole have
reduced body movements. To stay fit and healthy, make sure to spend few minutes
to hours walking and jogging.
Take mustard bath- You might hate the idea of having a mustard
bath but you will be amazed to learn about the health properties that it comes
with. The diaphoretic and warming properties of mustard helps in raising the
body temperature thus making your sweat which works wonder in killing germs,
eliminating toxins and stimulating the production of white blood cells.
Drink tea boosting immunity- Hot liquor tea with lemon, cinnamon and honey
helps in boosting the body metabolism and making it capable of winning the
battle against cold and flu. It also aids the digestive system naturally thus
keeping away gas, acidity and other stomach related issues.
Eat only organic foods- Eating foods containing added preservatives
can cause harm to your body balance. Today farmers make high use of colors,
pesticides and insecticides. Consumption of these in turn injects chemicals in
your body which is harmful for the overall health. It is recommended to eat
only organic foods to the extent possible.
Eat foods rich in nutrients
and vitamins- Keep
away fatty foods from your diet and take up to those consisting of enough
nutrients and vitamins. These include oats, barley, fish liver, fresh fruits,
milk, eggs, green leafy veggies and so.
Have good night sleep- Sleep is very important for proper
functioning of the body organs. Avoid sleeping in the afternoon and have at
least 7-8 hours of sound sleep at night to stay healthy.
Stay Fit and Lead A Healthy
because each and every person as well as his/her physical and mental abilities
and health is unique, it is important to consult your physician in case you
experience serious problems.
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