Facts To Learn About High Blood Pressure: Causes, Risk Factors, Remedies
Present day dietary habits and
lifestyle are the reasons behind the birth of different ailments among
youngsters as well as adults. Very common among these is “Hypertension” or
“High Blood pressure”. According to doctors, the normal blood pressure of a
healthy human is 120/80. Anything above this range is high blood pressure while
a lower deviation is termed as low blood pressure. Usually asymptomatic, this
requires screening for determining its existence. However besides screening,
high blood pressure also requires time to time follow up and effective
treatment which if not done can result into stroke, heart attack or kidney
What Are The Causes Leading To High Blood Pressure?
The most common factor giving
birth to high blood pressure is stress & tension. Other medical conditions
that can result into this issue are chronic kidney disorder, sleep apnea and
thyroid. Also some medicines have a tendency to boost up the blood pressure
level. This is most common among the medications taken for corticosteroids
(asthma) and relief from cold. Some women end up experiencing high blood
pressure due to random usage of birth control pills or undergoing hormone
replacement therapy. Women undergoing the menopause phase are prone to systolic
blood pressure.
What Are The Risk Factors Related To Hypertension?
There is a list of risk factors
in existence with relation to high blood pressure or hypertension. Major ones among them are discussed as follow:
- · Age-Hypertension is considered by physicians as a normal part of the ageing process.
- Family History- If you have anyone or more members in your family who is/are victim/s to hypertension; it is quite likely for you to also end up with the same
- Obesity/overweight- Women/Men who are obese have a tendency to develop hypertension.
- ·Gender- Gender plays an important role when it comes to developing hypertension. According to research works carried out in the field of medical science, more men compared to women suffer from high blood pressure.
- Unhealthy Lifestyle- Some lifestyle habits too are responsible behind one falling prey to hypertension. This includes smoking, drinking, taking high amount of sodium and low amount of potassium.
How To Cure Hypertension?
Hypertension is not a curable
health state. Once developed, you will have to bear its torture throughout your
lifetime. The only thing to do is maintain a healthy lifestyle and perform exercises from time to time to
keep the blood pressure under control. Also never miss your dose of lasix medicine if asked to
take anti-hypertensive drugs. This will
assure you better living.
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